Beyond Numbers, It’s a Commitment

Our Safety Metrics

  • Zero Fatalities: Our primary objective
  • Yearly Injury Reduction: Progress that matters
  • Decreasing Disabilities: Every day, we aim to be safer

Our Methodology

  • Vigilance: Adopting a policeman’s approach to ensure constant monitoring.
  • Risk Management: Proactive health risk assessments.
  • Emergency Readiness: Always prepared, no matter what.

Our Vision for Safety

  • Collaborative Safety: Encouraging peer-to-peer and family-worker interactions for a safer environment.
  • Safety First: Prioritizing safe behaviors and conditions at all times.
  • Innovative Prevention: Harnessing technologies focused on proactive safety measures.
  • Leading from the Front: We set safety examples, not just standards.
  • Continuity with Safety: Establishing controls to ensure business operations continue without compromising on safety.
  • Safety Perception Monitoring: Keeping a pulse on “how safe we feel” to foster a genuine safety culture.

At Soma, safety isn’t just a metric—it’s a culture. Our ongoing commitment ensures everyone feels secure and valued, every day.